Looking back: November 17th, 2018
Wow, it's been a while since I posted in this category! Honestly, with freelance picking up and doing the Plus Five Four podcast on my own, I haven't been getting out to take pictures (or...at all).
However, I did go to the 27th Pride March here in Buenos Aires on Saturday and I'm so glad I did. Here are some pictures of the day, which I took with my old and battered little Canon (the one I bring out when it rains because it's just a cute digital warrior). I love the retro vibe the pictures give me and since there's a date stamp, I don't overthink uploading the photos because of editing concerns.
Let me know if you like this kind of post because I often have a lot of photos that I love from marches and protests and such that just don't make it onto social media but I feel should be seen. Hope you enjoy this!
Wow, hace mil que no posteo nada en esta categorÃa! Honestamente desde que empecé con trabajo freelance más intenso y haciendo podcast a solas, no estuve saliendo demasiado a sacar fotos (o en general...).
Pero fui a la 27° Marcha del Orgullo Gay acá en Buenos Aires el sábado y me encantó que lo hiciera. Acá les muestro unas fotos que saqué con mi Canon, chiquita y hecha pelota (la que saco cuando llueve porque se la banca en todo). Amo la vibra como retro y como está la fecha ahÃ, no me hago demasiado la cabeza cuando edito.
Avisen si les gusta este tipo de post: muchas veces me quedo con muchas fotos de marchas y protestas etc. en el tintero pero siento que deberÃan ser vistas. Que disfruten!
Before getting out of the subway, I was thinking "I wonder where this is." All worries of finding the right location evaporated when I emerged and saw a huge inflatable rainbow in the distance.
Antes de salir del subte pensaba "Me pregunto dónde será..." Toda preocupación se evaporó claramente cuando salà y vi el arcoiris inflable enorme.
I saw this as soon as I arrived and honestly, I cried a little bit seeing the joy and freedom of people crashing out of that "closet" to cheering and whooping. The rainbow writing says "We will never return to the closet."
Vi esto ni bien llegué y honestamente, lloré un toque viendo la felicidad y libertad de las personas que salÃan disparadxs de ese "closet" con gritos de sus amigxs.
One omnipresent theme was criticising the Church, imitating nuns and orange scarves (advocating to separate Church and State)
Un tema omnipresente: criticar a la iglesia, imitar monjas y los pañuelos naranjas.
Please notice the intricate body paint // Por favor, notar el detalle increÃble de la pintura...
I love this person just living their best life: everyone, really. All the colours and expressions of gender and sexuality with such freedom made me really happy.
Amé ver a esta persona vivir feliz: todxs, en realidad. Los colores, expresión de género y sexualidad con tanta libertad me puso feliz.
Just wanted to quickly appreciate how this mimicked a Victoria's Secret Angel costume, after they said that they would "never" include trans women or plus-size models. Their loss.
Después de que Victoria's Secret saliera a decir que nunca incluirÃa a mujeres trans ni modelos "plus-size," me encantó ver que alguien se haya disfrazado como"ángel." Se la pierden, la verdad.
"Potion to cure LGBTphobia, racism, machismo and ignorance in general: education." //
"Poción para curar la LGBTfobia, el racismo, machismo e ignorancia en general: educación."
Non binary representation heading to the march. // Representación no binarie saliendo a marchar.
Proud Bolivian trans "cholas" that I managed to snap a picture of at the corner of Bolivar street. Love that serendipity, I only noticed afterwards.
Columna de cholas trans de Bolivia: les saqué la foto justo en la esquina de BolÃvar, no me di cuenta hasta después.