Looking back: 8M 2019
Looking back at the past week with a photo or a selection of my favourites shots along with my thoughts and impressions.
Hello, corionautas! Apologies for the delay in uploading these pictures: I had a bachelorette weekend following the International Women's March on the 8th, so I haven't had time until now to sift through all the pictures and upload them. Hopefully you'll enjoy them nonetheless: I'll be posting my thoughts on the march and what's been going on surrounding the march in a few days, with a couple more photos because my internet has been so impossibly uncooperative and slow that editing/uploading has been an absolute nigthmare.
Hola, corionautas! Les pido disculpas por la demora, tuva una despedida de soltera todo el fin de semana que le siguí a la marcha 8M y no tuve un segundo desde entonces para sentarme a subir las fotos. Espero que las disfruten igual: voy a estar publicando mis pensamientos en torno a la marcha y lo que anda pasando en unos días junto a otras fotos porque mi Internet ha sido imposiblemente rebelde y lento, con lo cual la edición/subida ha sido una pe-sa-di-lla.
Climbing: we'll get there // Trepando: vamos a llegar
Basta de travesticidios/transfemicidios // Enough transvesticides/transfemicides
A few seconds later, one little girl kissed the other on the head, which was absolutely adorable.
Unos segundos después, una de las nenas besó a la otra en la cabeza, lo cual fue adorable.
As you can see, and as always, there were people of all ages. The elderly lady in the last photo was called Esther, although she told us than in earlier years when she took to the streets she would call herself Laura so nobody got her real name or took her away. She was there during the French Spring protests of 1968 and since she returned to Buenos Aires, she has protested in the causes she believes in.
Como verán, y como siempre, habían de todas las edades. La señora de la última foto se llama Ester: aunque nos dijo que antes cuando marchaba, decía que se llamaba Laura para que nadie la anote en ningún lado ni la llevaran. Estuvo presente en las marchas del ´68 en Paris y desde que volvió que está en la calle protestando por las causas en las que cree.
This sign comes from an old Spanish nursery rhyme that talks about finding a wife: "may she know how to sew, may she know how to embroider and may she know how to open the door to go out and play." High standards. This sign reads "I don't know how to sew, I don't know how to embroider but I do know how to open the door to go out and fight."
"Sovereignty over my own body!"
"The patriarchy is going down, pass it on." // "Psst. Se va a caer."
Denying my rights? Oh hell, no! // ¿Negarme mis derechos? ¡Ni se te ocurra!
What did you do for International Women's Day? Any thoughts? Let me know!
Qué hicieron por el Día Internacional de la Mujer? Qué piensan? Cuéntenme!